An internship is a specific placement that gives you an opportunity to further your specific skills. This is an incredible way to improve your resume (employers love volunteers!) and to gain knowledge and experience in a real world situation. You get to experience a new culture and learn about the animals and their habitat.
Before your internship specific learning objectives will be set to help you achieve your goals. These objectives are developed in conjunction with O2E and the project you wish to visit. Usually this means you will complete a special project which benefits the project and the animals in care. Generally internships are offered in areas such as developing your teamwork, administrative and leadership skills.Internships completed so far by O2E volunteers include setting up education programs, coordinating a fundraising event, acting as a project group tour guide, monitoring and reporting on animal behaviour.

University or TAFE students could be eligible to receive credits towards your course. Students may arrange with their place of study to get independent study or internship credit for some programs. The types of activities you might complete for credit include standard placement hours include caring for animals, marine conservation, research projects or veterinary studies. The process is different for each country and school so we advise that you speak with your course coordinator to find out how to get started.
Here’s a quick checklist of things to take to your meeting with your course advisor:
1. A print out of the description of the project you want to complete from our website;
2. The approximate dates and length of time you want to go abroad;
3. An Oceans 2 Earth Volunteers brochure; and
4. An idea of how the project relates to your academic program.
Be sure to check availability prior! Then we can help with your application by signing forms and verifying project details if you need.
Once you have an idea about what type of credit placement you are eligible for with your school or the kind of internship you would like to complete to broaden your skills, contact us at O2E and we can discuss potential project plans with you to find the right fit.