Gap Year Travel Opportunities

What is a Gap Year?

A gap year is a period, often between high school and college/university, that is designed to foster greater self-awareness, independence, perspective, and sense of purpose. The gap year can go for any length of time and often involves volunteer work, travel, skill development, and/or career exploration, but the options are endless. The term “gap year” has evolved considerably over time but is typically a young person’s opportunity to take a break in between study to see the world and gain valuable life experience. Taking a gap year overseas can also help you discover your own academic and personal passions before beginning further study or employment.

When should I take a gap year?

Most people take their gap year trip between finishing school and going to university. It is an opportunity to give you time to refresh and recharge your batteries, so when the time comes to go to university, to start employment, you will start with a new sense of energy, purpose and motivation. You can also gain some serious credits with potential employers who love the fact that you’ve satisfied the ‘travel bug’ and are ready to settle down into a job.

What should I do?

Each of us has the capacity to enrich and enhance our community. It encourages service to, and with others, as a part of a young person’s life. So why not choose to spend part of your travels contributing to something bigger than you. Oceans 2 Earth Volunteers offer a variety of projects, so why not talk to us about which project would best suit you? Many of our projects involve animal care, so if you’re an animal lover, you won’t find a more rewarding experience out there. From the Amazon Rainforest to the Australian Bush, there are several volunteer projects you could consider. We also specialise in Marine Conservation projects in the Great Barrier Reef, so both a bush and ocean experience can be combined to get the most out of your experience.

Volunteer with Animals

If you are looking at working with animals or studying Zoology, Animal Studies or Marine Biology then you could consider our Animal Care & Rehabilitation and Veterinary volunteer placements.

Volunteer in Conservation

Students with a passion in conservation research, ecology or marine biology, could consider our conservation volunteer projects in EcuadorMalawi and Australia.

Volunteer with Communities

For volunteers wanting to spend time in a community setting we recommend our community projects in Ecuador and Thailand.

Veterinary Volunteering

If you are a vet, or student vet, O2E have volunteering vet projects that allow you to spend time in this field. Check out our vet projects here.

If you are looking towards a specific career path or studying a particular degree and would like to get some experience while on your gap year, please feel free to contact us at, we would be happy to give you advice.

Best Volunteer Abroad Programs

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Oceans 2 Earth Foundation – Oceans 2 Earth Volunteers Ltd.